Bailing out oil companies: an exceptionally expensive and polluting way to preserve jobs. We have much better options. Listen to my interview on CBC’s Metro Morning. #CleanReset
Here is a clearer version of Professor Eric Miller’s excellent chart which I refer to:
If you were wondering, why is Prof. Miller using 2015 data? His answer is that Statistics Canada is slow to update the input-output accounts which are necessary to make these calculations. 2015 is the most recent common year for which StatsCan currently makes available the necessary raw data for both the GHG intensity of each sector and the jobs’ multipliers.
It guess it says something that StatCan provides quarterly estimates of GDP, while their environment-related products tend to lag years…
Why isn’t renewable energy in the list? Much the same reason: StatCan doesn’t provide the necessary data.
The level of aggregation/detail used by Statistics Canada (and by the NAICS
system and other similar accounting of economic sectors) tends to reflect
historically-important activities/sectors than more recent and future-oriented ones. The manufacture or installation or servicing of wind
and solar (or the electricity produced by them) will be accounted for within
broader aggregations that unfortunately meld renewable and non-renewable energy.